Author Archives: falcom

Useful libraries for PHP delevopers


Retrieve data from remote site


Drawing Charts


Php Libraries for GEO data


Use for  working  with URL


Do Snapshot of Web sites URLS



For working with  DELETE, PATCH, GET  POST


Work with ini files

PHP Captcha

Generate diffrent type of Captcha


Create PDF files


XSS attack defend and filter


Detect information from Users Browsers

setup nginx ssl configuration

Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator


Helpful documentation for understending and configuration SSL,TLS  on server’s side:


Some simple  Nginx config  for SSL:

server {

listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;

server {
listen 443 ssl spdy;
ssl_stapling on;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/pki/nginx/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/pki/nginx/;
ssl_dhparam /etc/pki/nginx/dhparam.pem;
ssl_session_timeout 24h;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:2m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000;”;
add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only “default-src https:; script-src https: ‘unsafe-eval’ ‘unsafe-inline’; style-src https: ‘unsafe-inline’; img-src https: data:; font-src https: data:; report-uri /csp-report”;

How to End a Conversation in English

How to End a Conversation in English

Oh, look at the time.
I’m afraid I have another appointment.
Well, I won’t keep you longer.
It’s been pleasure talking to you.

Let’s get together soon.
Let’s do lunch sometime.
I’ll call you next week.
I’ll be in touch.

Bye for now.Take care.
See you!Bye now!
Thank you very much.

Phrasal Verb and their Meaning

Phrasal Verb Meaning
Back away! move backwards, away from something frightening or dangerous
Back off! (slang – rude) stop bothering or threatening someone
Back up! move backwards; step backwards; drive backwards
Bear down! push or press down hard
Bend down! lean over and forward; lean down
Bend over! lean forward from the waist
Breathe in! take a breath in; take air into the lungs
Breathe out! take a breath out; push air out of the lungs
Brighten up! be cheerful; be happier
Buckle down! start working, studying, or doing something else seriously
Buddy up! find a partner
Bugger off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Butt out! (slang ­– rude) don’t interfere
Buzz off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Calm down! relax, don’t be angry, don’t be upset, don’t be worried
Carry on! keep doing what you were doing
Cheer up! be happier; don’t be sad
Chill out! relax; don’t be upset or angry
Clean up! clean yourself or your surroundings
Close down! close a shop or business so it is not operating
Come back! return to where you were
Come down! move down off something highcome south
Come on! (encouraging someone) do what I am telling you to do(not believing someone) I don’t believe you

(rushing someone) move faster

Come in! enter a closed space
Come out! leave a closed space
Come over! come to my house; come to where I am
Come up! move to a higher place
Cool down! Relax; don’t be upset or angry
Cover up! put on more clothes
Double up! form pairs because space or resources are limited
Dream on! (slang) I don’t think what you have just said will happen
Drink up! finish your drink
Eat up! finish your food
Fess up! (slang) confess / admit what you did; tell the truth about what you did
Finish up! finish what you have been doing
Fuck off! (slang – very, very rude) Go away!
Gather around! make a group and come together in one place
Gear up! get ready to do something
Get away! move away; run away; escape
Get down! come down from a high place
Get in! go inside something, like a car or bus
Get off! go out of something, like a bus or train
Get on! climb on board something moving or about to start moving, like a train
Get out! (slang ­– rude) Leave this place! (used when angry at someone)
Get up! become awake; don’t sleep
Give up! stop doing what you’re doinggive yourself to the police or authorities
Go around! move to where you need to go by passing some obstacle instead of going straight
Go away! leave the place where you are
Go back! return to where you were
Go on! continue what you were saying
Grow up! behave in a mature way; don’t act like a child
Hang on! waithold tight
Hang up! end the phone call
Hold on! waithold this tight or you might fall
Hurry up! do whatever you are doing quickly, whether it’s physical or mental
Keep away! stay away; do not go near
Keep out! stay outside; do not enter
Lace up! tie your shoelaces; put on your shoes
Lay off! (slang – rude) stop doing something that bothers someone
Lie down! put your body in a horizontal position; relax on a bed or sofa
Lighten up! cheer up; don’t be so serious or worried
Line up! make or form a line
Listen up! listen carefully
Loosen up! (slang) relax; don’t be so stressed
Move along! keep moving; don’t stop in this spot
Move back! move to a place in the back
Move forward! move to a place in the front
Move on! continue your life; go on with your life
Open up! Open the door!
Perk up! cheer up; don’t be sad
Press on! keep doing what you need to do; don’t give up
Pull back! move backward
Quieten down! stop being noisy
Queue up! Make or form a line
Saddle up! Get ready to ride a horse by putting the saddle on the horse
Scoot over! (slang) move to make space for someone else
Stand up! stand
Shut up! (slang – rude) be quiet; stop talking
Sit down! sit; be seated
Sit up! sit straight in your chair, bed, etc.
Smarten up! become more intelligent and aware of what’s happening around you
Speak up! talk louder
Speed up! move faster
Stand up! stand
Stay away! don’t go near
Straighten up! stand straight; do not bend
Stretch out! lie down comfortably
Sum up! summarize
Take off! leave fast
Tidy up! clean the place; put things in the right places
Turn back! go backwards
Turn over! move your body so that the other side faces up
Wait up! wait for me to catch up with you
Wake up! don’t sleep anymore; become awake
Walk away! leave a difficult situation
Walk out! leave a situation because you do not approve of somethingleave someone (leave a relationship)
Watch out! be very careful
Work away! continue working
Write back! reply to a letter or email

Не устанавливается BDE Administartor (Win XP)

Если Вы столкнулись с проблемой, когда Вы пытаетесь установить BDE Administartor на Windows XP, в результате долго ждете пока запуститься Инстилляция, и  ничего в результате не запускается.Или иногда  в итоге получаете сообщение об ошибке, что это приложение несовместимо (из-за 16 разрядности), или что-то в подобном роде, превышено  время ожидания.

Попробуйте обновить Windows Installer:

Скачать его можно с  сайта Microsoft:
Windows Installer 4.5



English Grammar easy-view for lazy

Present Continuous Tens (I am doing)

I + am + Doing.
He/She/It + is + V+ing.
We/You/They + are V+ing.

Circumstances when We use it:
In the middle of doing.
The action is not finished.
Changes happening around now.
<—- I am doing —->
Past                   Now                 Future

Signal words:
now,at the moment,Look!,Listen!



Present Simple Tens (I do)

I/We/You/They + Do + Verb(base).
He/She/It + Does + Verb(base).

Circumstances when We use it:

In generally.Facts.Happens all time.

<——————– I do ———————>
Past                           Now                           Future

Signal words:
every day,sometimes,always,often,usually,seldom,never,first…then





Past simple (I did/was)

I/We/You/They/He/She/It + V(+ed) or V(irregular).

(To be)
I/He/She/It + Was.
We/You/They + Were.

Circumstances when We use time:
Completed action.Action took in the past.


<– I did/was –>
Past                                    Now                  Future

Signal words:
yesterday, … ago, last …., in 1990



Past Continuous (I was doing)
I/He/She/It was + V(+ing)
We/You/They were + V(ing)

Circumstances when We use time:
I action in the middle of the past time
and not finished.

<– I was doing —
Past Now Future


Present perfect (I have done)

I/We/You/They + have + V(+ed/irregular).
He/She/It + hase + V (+ed/irregular).

Circumstances when We use it:
Finished action or situation.
When something happen in the past but
we talking about this now in fact and
don’t have a idea when somewhere in the past it happen.
We worry about fact,happen fact.
Talking about Recent past event.
To Talk aboutLife experience.

Unfinished action or situation with
“since” and “for”

Signal words:
this morning,this week,today,once
(many, few, several) times,before,so far


Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)

I/We/You/They + have + been + V(ing).
He/She/It + has + been + V(ing).

Circumstances when We use it:
Fo an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped
or has not been finished it does not matter.
There is a connection with now.

Signal words:
